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  • Onboard Contractors

    Onboard Contractors

  • Pay Contractors

    Pay Contractors

Its that simple to pay your contractors online. Give a try to our contractor only payment solution!

Our payment solution for 1099 contractors includes

Onboard Unlimited Contractor

Unlimited Contractor Onboarding

Onboard as many numbers of contractors in simple steps. It’s a fully automated and application-driven process. 100% paperless.

Request or Update Form W-9 Info

Request/Update Form W-9 Online

Invite your contractor to fill-in and e-sign Form W-9 online or if you have the signed Form W-9 of your contractor ready, you can upload it directly to the application.

Multiple Payment Option

Multiple Payment Option

Pay your contractors anytime, anywhere on the go in a couple of clicks. You can pay using our multiple payment options like Direct Deposit or Check.

Multiple Payroll Option

Multiple Compensation Type

Pay your contractors with multiple compensation types - You can fix an amount, pay by hour, or even pay based on the work done by contractors.

Also Support other 1099 Payments

Also Support other 1099 Payments

With our software you could also pay any type of Miscellaneous Income that is actually reportable on Form 1099-MISC.

Tracking Work Time

Tracking Work Time

Use our in-built time clock application to track the work hours of your contractors. You can monitor the work hours of your contractors in up-to-the minute dashboard.

Manage 1099

Manage 1099

We generate and file 1099 for your contractors and postal mail the recipient copies on behalf of you. And you’ll also get the constant updates on your 1099 filing status.

Generate or View Reports

Generate or View Reports

View comprehensive reports on payments, contractors, and time clock summary. All available in a easy-to-read format.

Online Portal for Contractors

Online Portal for Contractors

Contractors can view their payment statement, Add or edit bank account information, update or e-Sign documents required (Form W-9, Direct Deposit Authorization Form) and view the 1099 form generated for them.

See these features in action and simply make payments to your contractors. Give a try to our contractor payment solution!

Get Started Now

Pricing that suits you

Are you an individual paying a single contractor or a business making payments for multiple contractors? We have got the right pricing for you.

$0 per month
$2.49 per direct deposit
$9 per month
$1.49 per direct deposit

*Track Work Time, and Manage IRS e-Filing & Recipient Copy Mailing for a small additional fee

View detailed Pricing

Got any questions?

Check our list of Frequently Asked Questions to get answers to your questions. If you don't find answers, contact our support team. Our team of experts are ready to answer all your questions anytime through 24/7 email support. We are happy to assist you all the time.

Ready to Pay your 1099 Contractors?

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