Frequently Asked Questions

I have 3 different contractor. Am I able to select and pay only a particular contractor?

Yes. You can always select the respective contractor that you would like to pay and make payments to them. And if you would like to pay all your contractors at once, you can pay in a single click by choosing all the contractors together.

I have my contractors Form W-9 information in PDF Format. Does your software accepts it?

Yes. Our software is capable of accepting your contractors W-9 info in any format. Even if you don't have your contractors Form W-9, you can request them to add their Form W-9 information online through an exclusive online portal designed for them.

Why do I need my contractors bank account information?

In order to make direct deposits to your contractors bank account, it is mandate for them to provide their bank account information. You can invite your contractors to onboard and add their bank account information through our secure online portal.

How do your software handles payments made through check?

You can process and make payments for contractors who choose Check as their preferred payment method. You can then print check from our software or write your own and distribute it to them. You can always track the payments made to them by navigating to the "Reports" section.

I have few contractors who are paid hourly. Will I be able to track their work time?

Yes. Our system provides an addon feature "Time Clock" which allows you to track the work time of your hourly contractors. You will be provided with a dashboard access to track their work time, and to approve their shifts.

Does your software support rental payments to landlords?

Yes. With our software you could make any type of miscellaneous payments and easily track payments made. You will be provided with an option to choose the type of payment that you are going to make.

How my contractors will get to know about the payments made to them?

Your contractors will be notified via their registered email about the payments made to them. Also they will get notified via their online portal account.

Do contractors have the option to change the payment method?

Yes. Our software currently supports Direct Deposit or Check as the payment method. Contractors can change their preferred payment method anytime through their online portal account.

How can I track the payments made to each contractors?

Our software will provide you the various reports related to the payments. You can view the payment reports by payment day, month, or with respect to contractors and download the reports to your system.

Does your software handle 1099 filing?

Yes. Our software will generate the required 1099 forms at the year end and e-file it on behalf of you. Your contractors can access the form copies through the online portal. Also we will print and postal mail the hard copies of 1099 forms to your recipients.

Ready to Pay your 1099 Contractors?

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